Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The beginning of a journey

Today I decided that I would do something about my weight. I'm sick of being fat, having back problems, having stomach aches, having trouble finding clothes that fit and not being able to buy something I like because it doesn't come in my sze, my feet hurting from carrying all my weight, my ankles swelling up because of the same thing and other things that come from being overweight. For example if I'm sitting down and I need to maybe tie my shoes, I bend over and I can't breath because my stomach is pressing onto my lungs. I'm tired of this.

So I decided to go to meetings and get a sponsor, because I believe I have an addiction to food. I don't believe that I eat my feelings (well sometimes I do). BUT I eat when I'm bored, I eat at night while watching TV just ti have something to do while I watch it, I eat when hanging out with friends, even though I'm not hungry and I don't really want to eat but I do because everyone else is,I eat way to much fast food and I spend to much money on it. I'm also tired of walking around and feeling like everyone I walk past thinks I'm too fat (which I am).

I also decided to make this blog. I want to document my journey to greater health and better self esteem. If I inspire someone to do the same on the way then great. I don't care if anyone reads this blog or not. It's mainly for me. I am going to blog at least once a week. Writing down my weight as I go. Right now I'm at my heavies or 107 kg. I want to try and go down to 70 kg (from that comes the URL for this blog). My ideal weight according to my height and such is I think 65 kg. I will get an exact number when I go to the meeting I was talking about. There they calculate everything according to your bodytype and even your bonestructure I think.

Well this is enough for now I think. This is just the first post of many :)

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